We meet every Wednesday at 7PM at the Mauritius Gymkhana Club

Polio Day at PHWA

Medical check for the disabled persons at PHWA

On Tuesday 24th October 2017, the Rotary Club of Phoenix organised a medical check for the disabled persons at the PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED WELFARE ASSOCIATION (PHWA) created with the aim to bring relief to the numerous children and youngsters suffering from polio.

At the time, there were 40 persons with disabilities who regularly attended the centre daily. They were provided with transport and breakfast. The disabled persons would attend the Centre for daily work, such as reconditioning of headsets for Air Mauritius. They also did sewing work, quilting, embroidery, floral arrangements and undertook other subcontracted jobs.

The medical checks involved eye check, BMI and Blood Pressure and were carried out by 3 Rotarian Doctors. A health kit was given to the disabled persons.

16 Rotarians present on that day provided their help. Lunch was also provided with media coverage of interviews with those suffering from Polio and District Governor in order to create more awareness.

2013 – 2014