325x75 white Rotary Club of Phoenix Logo

We meet every Wednesday at 7PM at the Mauritius Gymkhana Club

history of the club

It all starts here

This is how the 12th Club of Rotary in Mauritius, the Rotary Club of Phoenix came to be.

The Rotary Club of Vacoas, to which Past President Raj Thacoor belonged, was expanding so much that it could not contemplate any new addition to its already large establishment. On the other hand in the region of Phoenix a distinct need for a Service club was being acutely felt as revealed by a careful and in depth study. Hence the idea of launching this new service club.

The very first meeting was held with a group of potential members on 11th December 2002 at the IVTB House in Phoenix. This introductory meeting was enough to turn these 28 potential members into enthusiastic confirmed members in the Ideal of Rotary. What appealed to them was the fact that Rotary is ‘SERVE, INNOVATE, GIVE, EXCHANGE’. Belonging to a Rotary Club gives men and women an organised outlet for contributing to the community.

From then on powered by such enthusiasm things moved very fast indeed. The application was in shape, signed and approved by the District Governor on 31st January 2003 and the Rotary Club of Phoenix was chartered on the 17th February of the same year. The application was positively considered in an astoundingly very short time of two weeks which is a record indeed.

Charter President Raj Thacoor assisted by Past President Raj Ragaven and Past President Jean Claude Nubbo spared no effort in the creation of the club.

Past DG Randhir Ramloll who was the then Assistant District Governor contributed significantly and piloted the project. He worked relentlessly to ensure that all Rotary International Guidelines were properly adhered to, and that the club in formation was fully ready to submit an application to Rotary International.

Vijay Patel, the District Governor attended one of the meetings which was followed by the traditional dinner with all the members of the club. The District Governor was so impressed by the quality of the members that he had no hesitation to recommend the club for membership, after his on the spot visit, and after having been fully satisfied with the justifications for its establishment. He monitored the progress of the club’s application for the Charter and showed great personal interest and concern for which all members of the club deeply appreciated.

Since its very conception and since its launching in February 2003, focus was made on the fact that Rotary is a privilege and a challenge. This is why there has been ongoing training in Rotary matters for all the members.

Every year the Club receives a number of applications from people interested to join the club based on the club’s effectiveness. The criteria for membership is strictly adhered and more importantly the development of special bonds of friendship amongst all members is encouraged.

What makes the Rotary Club of Phoenix so unique is that 9 women were inducted at its very creation in February 2003. This was the club in Mauritius with the most women members then. The club is also proud to have one of its women members as the First Lady President of the Rotary Club in Mauritius in July 2004.